PropellerAds and viral traffic
Earnings by using PropellerAds.If this is the first time you’ve heard about PropellerAds, they are one of the largest networks and most of their ads are shown on a popunder (onclick ads, as they call them) format.
What is a popunder ad? Well, you know… the type of ad that pops in another window behind your original website. It looks something like this:

Yes, these are the same ads that most people hate and some of then assure pop under and pop up ads are dead but they can’t be more wrong. Pop Ads work wonderfully although I accept they’re very intrusive and sometimes I just hate to see them. But that doesn’t mean they don’t work.
Anyways, the real reason you’re here is because you want to know how to make extra money and see how I earned $300 extra per day, so here it goes.
Back in September 2016 I started doing tests with a small viral website without Google Adsense just to see if I could earn any decent money with PropellerAds and my (already big) Facebook Fan pages. Here’s what I quickly achieved:

Some days I made $30 and some days the CPM (cost per thousand visits) was better so I made more than $70 per day with a CPM of $5.
My next step was to test the strategy with my biggest Fan Pages so I could make my $200 per day with Adsense plus whatever I could achieve as an extra with PropellerAds to increase my earnings and overall my ROI on my Facebook campaigns.
Here’s what I achieved back in September:

My manager told me there was no problem and Google shouldn’t have problems either, however, they told me to be careful with Facebook because they don’t like pop ads when you’re running traffic through Facebook Ads.
If you don’t follow the steps below closely your FB ads account could be banned. There, I said it. So please read below to see my strategy before trying anything.So I decided to check out Facebook Ads Terms and Conditions and yes, they don’t allow pop ups or pop unders on the destination of the ads. They don’t have problems with organic traffic (A.K.A. Fan Pages without Ads) though. So what I decided to do in order to use both Google Adsense and PropellerAds was to create an specific page with Adsense banners only for the articles that I promoted via Facebook Ads, and then clone the same article and put both Adsense and PropellerAds and use that specific link to promote it to my Fans without paying for Ads (organic traffic just by posting the links in my Fan Pages).
So in conclusion:
- While you’re searching for your golden nuggets to go viral using Facebook ads make sure you’re using the URL of your article with Google Adsense banners only
- For all of the articles that you promote to your fans organically (no Ads) use the URL where you have both Adsense and PropellerAds
At the end of September and during October I was making $500 per day overall with my viral websites. Around $150-200 from PropellerAds and $300-350 from Google Adsense. Quite a nice bump in earnings just by adding a second ad network to the equation, isn’t it?
AGAIN, make sure you don’t use the URLs with PropellerAds when promoting via Facebook Ads or your account could be banned. DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU!
Anyways, even if you don’t have an Adsense account, you can still make good money with Propeller Ads and viral traffic, the only bummer there would be that all your FB Ads would need to be focused on getting likes to your fan Page instead of website clicks and then you can promote your viral website with PropellerAds organically to your fans.
There you have it.That’s how I added $300 per day with PropellerAds and viral traffic and overall how you can make more than $500 per day just with viral websites.
As always, remember to put this to test and never forget to split test everything until you find the best combination for your website/traffic. Don’t quit if you launch 3 campaigns and fail. That’s pretty common but the ones that persist are the ones who dominate it and make it big.
Finally, if you want to read more posts like this where I explain everything with numbers and step by step please don’t forget to share this post and leave a comment below. If you’re already running viral websites, I’d love to hear your feedback and know what’s working for you.

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