marți, 12 decembrie 2017

Amazon Alexa can now wake you up to music

This fall, Amazon made a play to become your new alarm clock with the introduction of a combination smart speaker and clock called the Echo Spot. Today, the company is adding a new feature that will make the Spot – or any other Alexa device – function more like a traditional radio alarm clock, with the introduction of music alarms.
According to Amazon, Alexa device owners can now choose to wake up to music from their preferred streaming service, including Amazon’s own Prime Music or Amazon Music Unlimited, as well as others supported by its devices, including Spotify, Pandora, TuneIn, SiriusXM and iHeartRadio.
The feature works similarly to how you request music today via Alexa – that is, you can ask for artist names, songs, playlists, genres, or even by song lyrics, in the case that you don’t know the song’s title.
The lyrics feature, as well as requests for music by mood or for specific activities, only works with Amazon Music, however.
For example, you can request alarms like “pop music for running at 5 AM” or “the song that goes ‘I’ve paid my dues time after time’ at 7 AM” suggests Amazon. You can also request to be woken up to music genres like rock, pop, 80s music and others, specific songs, or music from favorite artists. Or, if you just want to be woken up to anything but an alarm, you can ask Alexa to simply wake you up at a given time to “music.”
The alarm feature also doesn’t have to be configured every night. If you wake up at the same time, you can ask Alexa to wake you up “every day” at a certain time.
To configure the alarm, you speak commands such as “Alexa, wake me up at…”, “wake me up to…,” or “set an alarm,” says Amazon.
The feature will work on any Alexa-powered device, not just Amazon Echo smart speakers, the company says. The only exception is Fire TV, which doesn’t support alarms because TVs are typically powered off at night.
The company notes the ability to set music alarms was a top-requested feature from Alexa device owners, which is why it’s rolling out the addition today.
The change, though somewhat minor, makes buying an additional Echo device for the bedroom something more people may consider. Amazon had targeted this market in particular with the Echo Spot alarm clock’s launch, though many customers had already begun using the smaller Echo Dot in their bedroom before its arrival.
Amazon has been heavily pushing its Echo hardware line this holiday season, with deep discounts during the Black Friday sales holiday, which made the Echo Dot a best seller. The company is now continuing to offer reduced prices on almost all Echo devices, including the Echo Show, Echo Plus, new Echo, and Echo Dot.

miercuri, 6 decembrie 2017

Colind Basarabean cântat de maicile de la Petru Vodă

Versuri Colind Basarabean:   

Tu ești lumina cea sfântă
Precistă blagoslovită
Că ai născut pre Fiul Sfânt
Oamenilor pre pământu’.

Tu ești cinste îngerească
Și slavă apostolească
Biruința sihăstrească,
Nădejdea călugărească.

La toți sfinții ești cunună
Cu Cocon Fiu împreună
Toți se satură cu tine
De Dumnezeiasca pâine

Tu ești izvor de viață
Adăpi bine cu dulceață
Și ești Maica adevarată
C-ai nascut Fiu făr’de tată.

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